The birth Chart of Narendra Modi of Gujrat
This birth chart shows the positions of the planets of Narendra DÄmodardas Modi Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Sun Virgo 23.48 Moon Sagittarius 2.36 Mercury Virgo 23.54 R Venus Virgo 8.55 Mars Scorpio 24.08 Jupiter Aquarius 29.46 R Saturn Virgo 22.50 Uranus Cancer 9.08 Neptune Libra 16.14 Pluto Leo 18.54 Lilith Taurus 27.44 Asc node Pisces 28.14 The sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy. Sun in Virgo He is ingenious, sharp customer, discerning, crafty, diplomatic. To the point and subtle in speech, he is a real diplomat. Weaknesses: petty and over-critical. Over-attention to detail, nit-picking and fussy. Virgo ascendant Sagittarius Sun in X Successful career is guaranteed, but may some...