
Showing posts from December 24, 2007

Piper Nigrum

Did any of us knew that Piper nigrum or black pepper is so important as a medicine and can be used to treat Cholera,general weakness of body, loss of appetite ,Arthritis,Piles,skin irritation and abortions? Save 25% or more on selected plants. Nature Hills Nursery Weekly Specials.

Lxora Arborea

Lxora arborea or "Shwet Rangan". Its leaves can be used increase vitality and reduce general weakness in body and its roots are used to treat wounds. Save 25% or more on selected plants. Nature Hills Nursery Weekly Specials.

Ocimum Kilimandscharicum

Karpur Tulsi that is somewhat different from ordinary tulsi plant we see in average Indian house hold, its scientific name is Ocimum Kilimandscharicum and its leaves can be used for treatment of cough and bronchitis and its leaves are also very effective in several types of bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

Wedelia Chinensis

Wedelia Chinensis is a very useful herbal medicinal plant. Its leaves can be used in treatment of dermatological disorders, cough,headache,hair loss,lice,strengthening the nervous system, lack of blood, digestive system disorders.

Mentha spicata or Pudina

Mentha spicata or better known as Pudina in India is a plant whose leaves can be used as stimulating refreshment and in curing Gas in stomach. The whole plant is also used for treating mild fever and bronchitis.

Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus or in Bengali its very familiar "Nayantara". This plant is used for treating ailments like leukemia,hyper tension,white discharge, diabetes, to increase memory

Wissadula Periplocifolia

Herbal medicinal plants and their usage: This picture is of a plant called Wissadula Periplocifolia. Save 25% or more on selected plants. Nature Hills Nursery Weekly Specials.

Conservation of the Rainforest Is Of Utmost Significance

The rainforest are the forest characterized by rainfall at high level, with the minimum annual normal scale ranges from 1750 mm to 2000 mm. The tropical rain forest is the considered to be the best-treasured wealth of the Earth. This is due to the fact that the tropical rain forest is home for thousands and thousands of new species of plant that are yet to be discovered and an innumerable species of them are used in the field of pharmacy. Scientific Value For the Rainforest The conservation of the rain forest is of utmost significance not only for a single reason but for a series of reasons. One of the major reasons is that the floral part of the forest turns the harmful carbon dioxide into fresh air thereby, combating the pollution. The vast rainforest tends to deter the greenhouse effect by the dint of the process of absorbing the carbon dioxide. The trees in the rainforest absorb and store the huge volume of carbon dioxide in their roots, steams, leaves and branches, thereby carr...

How frequent do we find the breast cancer?

Although it has not yet been discovered as to how long it actually takes to develop the breast cancer but it is a slow process and is fairly common in women. As per the recent statistics the American oncologists receive more than 212,000 patients suffering from breast cancer every year. The statistics reveals that the population of the breast cancer patients has touched 20,500 in Canada, 41,000 in United Kingdom and 13,000 in Australia. Who are at the risk of breast cancer? The women are highly exposed to the risk of developing the breast cancer, although men can also develop breast cancers – however rarely, accounting for only 1% of the overall breast cancer cases all around the globe. The women above 50 years of age are more prone to developing breast cancer, although there actually is no specific age for developing the condition. The habit of taking the contraceptive pills increases the chances of developing breast cancer in women. Some of the other common causes of breast ...