Online gambling

In India the law does not speak much about online gambling except for Maharashtra. The Bombay Wagers ACT makes gambling an offense inside the territorial jurisdiction of the Maharashtra state. As online gambling is not so common a feature in this part of the globe, lets delve a bit deeper in to the concept. Online gambling is nothing but traditional gambling played or conducted online through the internet. Their odds and payback percentages are normally at par with the off-line casinos. As of the nature of the industry the trust issue is a major concern for all new prospective gamblers. Other than the trust issue there are several other factors that has to be taken into consideration while making a choice of online casino among millions of online casinos , many of them often fraudulent. Some major factors that requires your attention while making a choice is discussed below in brief.

1) Bonus :-

There are several types of bonuses like Sign up bonuses , Cashable bonus , Sticky Bonus , Cash back bonuses , Comp points , Bonus hunting etc.

2) Games offered :-

Many online casino offers different gambling games but a typical selection would include games like Baccarat , Black Jack, Craps , Roulette , slot games etc.

3 ) Fraudulent online casinos :-

There are several types of fraud in the online casino industry like refusal to pay or refusal to pay in a timely fashion or using a cheat software.

There are many more factors involved in choosing the right online casino for the bliss of mind. its easier said done , because its indeed difficult to find the right casino among millions of online casinos, of which many are cheats like Elka system/Oyster gaming etc.

So what does a newcomer do to protect themselves from fraud casino and yet find the best value for money?

Its simple all you have to do is look at a well researched list of online casinos prepared by experts to select the right online casino for your virtual gambling needs.

List of online casino


Anonymous said…
Today, online gambling has progressed to stages hitherto unknown until a few years ago. It’s a fact that online gambling has entered every home that has an Internet connection. There is no home in the United States that does not know what online gambling is, and there are many homes today where at-least one member of the family actually plays the game. It is a know fact that women participate in online gambling far more than men do. It can be surmised that this is because that many women stay at home while their husbands work, and they go and play in the online casinos.
Anonymous said…
It's true that women gamble online, but they're attracted more to the social interaction-type set ups (like Bingo and Rummy) than bog-standard online casinos.
Anonymous said…
Women may well be more attracted to the chat room elements of bingo and rummy sites, but they also enjoy playing the so-called 'soft drop' games like Slots.

I'm also fond of Roulette - and there's no chatting to be done there!
hellraiser said…
So do you mean even betting through offshore sites (based in UK) is banned in Maharasthra or Mumbai..??
Feed said…
One my friend, he is Indian, spent playing at online casino about 2-3K a month. He is real gambler. So Indian market is underestimated.

my favorite games - new penny slot machines

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