How to earn from blogs?

I am a new blogger and have started blogging very recently. October 2007 to be precise. I had a intention of earning from my blog and kept posting my articles on a blog and continued for 90 days then , joined few paid to post sites to let my blog earn. Three of them are listed below and my experience with them.

Blogsvertise :- Absolutely HOpeless!! Its already two months sinsce submited my profile pic and its still under review. Not to mention I have never received a offer from that site.

Pay per post. I discourage you to join them as their tags, thatyou are required to put in each of the sponsord posts, makes your blog vulnerable to the penalty Google is attaching to the pages carrying paid posts. Moreover their offers requires a minimum of 3 page rank , Its ridiculous.

Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog This is the best among all. Their posting offers are quite regular with a minimum price of 6 US$ and no requirement of unnecessary tags. All you need to do is is post a simple link to the page you are psomoting. Thus you become immune to the penalties that are imposed for paid posts by search engines like google. The best part is that they immidiately send you payment via pay pal and its done almost weekly. I strongly advice all newbies aspiring to earn from their blogs to enrol with Smorty and make merry.

Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog


Anonymous said…
hi there.

thx for leaving a note on my blog catalog account. i love to blog for money too, but google pulls the pr down so fast so i cannot make a how lot of money with paid posts. i hate google for that. they just want to be the only one to sell links and ads. i hope the google gods will be with you and your pr is never going to drop. make a lot of money !!!!

greats hoto

Anonymous said…

I was wondering if you would like to exchange links. My site is If you would like to just leave a comment on my site and I'll post your link on my site. Thanks

Sorry with you wont get penalised for paid posts. thats safe more details here..
iSSa said…
i have more paid-to-blog websites here:

check it out & earn lots!

btw, i earned $1000K from pay per post (4 months) even though my blog is just PR 0 and im not from USA

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