Pretty women have Ugly Husbands?

It’s often seen in successful marriages that the man concerned is often a notch or two below the woman in looks. All most all of us probably, have wondered about this phenomenon, after seeing stunningly beautiful women paired with ordinary or even below average looking men as long term couples. Why is it so common? Well it has got something to do with what a man or a woman longs for in their spouse? There is a distinct divide among the men and women on this issue, and it seems to have a uniform proportion in almost all part of the globe barring few exceptions. Men almost always and everywhere place great importance on the beauty, while women looked for support and care from their husband. Though beauty can never be defined exactly, there are some standards universally accepted as pointers of beauty in a women like a large pair of eyes, symmetric faces , So called ‘baby face’, ‘average face’ etc. Though past researches seems to have proved that people of comparable good looks attract each other and once they hook up they experience a relatively better relationship satisfaction. The study was based mostly on newly-wed couples, and the first couple of years in a relationship can often be deceptive, with no major disagreement and is often like a trance and no studies were carried out on long term couples. According to some research woman world over has a tendency to seek a husband who is soft natured but the same lady would love to date a muscular hunk for shorter duration. To a woman a square jaw, good body and masculine features are an ideal match for a short term date or relationship where as a softer guy would be her more likely choice of her husband as she tends to believe that softer men are more responsible and caring. The choices we make about our spouses are often quite similar and seem to be dictated by some common chord of thought or reasoning throughout the world irrespective of race or creed.


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