Now it has become fashionable to maintain and run for niche blogs, but reading a niche blog is not fun always, they are too technical and often boring. The actual flavor of blogging comes from general and personal blogs. Blogs that discusses about various issues of life, questions and teases our brain cells are few, but are generally very interesting and informative. Unfortunately we don’t really get to see this genre of blogs that often. It’s not as easy as writing a technical blog. In fact a personal general blog deals so much with emotion, feelings and experiences that is why it becomes quite difficult to find bloggers who delves into these subtle side of life. I have recently found a blog called Whispering Corridor that is a clean general blog that is designed on a white based design theme and deals with various issues and aspects, like a combination of expression of thoughts and sentiments, socialization, entertainment, information, technology, downloads and money-making .