India being the largest democracy of the world with six decades of its existence is still in the infancy stage of basic infrastructure in the sense that the very specialized training course and institution to train the Top Political Managers (like elected members of Parliament, State Legislative Assemblies, State Legislative Council, the Hon’ble Ministers, Chairman of Board/Corporation etc) is still nonexistent. Also there is neither any mandatory practice nor constitutional provision in this regard. It is pity that to manage each and every segment of specialized institution both in Academic and Corporate sector, there are specialized training and refresher courses of specific kind of Management; likewise areas of Business Management, Banking & Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Personnel Management, Industrial Management, Forest Management, Environmental Management etc. But alas, the people who run all finer and key portfolios in Government system by virtue of being just the people’s elected political representative in all spheres have neither any requisite minimum standard of knowledge, experience, qualification or competence. Even after resuming such key responsibilities, there is hardly any convention for the specific political-managerial training or refresher course to govern judiciously and effectively.
Although day to day routine system runs through highly competitive, efficient and intelligent bureaucratic machinery, but again their powers and action depends upon such political masters. That is why, often such system fails and the entire nation faces the brunt of whimsical & incompetent political coterie, what has been noticed from time to time. For that reason, even the country had to experience shame in the eyes of international community and nations. It is for this reason that such an important idea is mooted to bring out this unique institution as the crucial need of the entire democratic political set up for the fair and efficient governance.
Hence this meaningful idea is mooted and put forth for taking desired action to establish such unique institution for the overall well being of the mankind through well trained and educated political masters to run the highly sophisticated institutions in routine governance. To bring out such establishment, there is dire necessity for some legal and constitutional steps to be taken. Once such creative institution of eminence with distinct vision and mission takes into action, the future of democracy and overall wellbeing of mankind of not only this vast country will be ensured as well as the said institution will be a torch bearer to the whole democratic world in its true sense of political governance. Since in the absence of skilled and specialized trainings, the proper justification of the well thought and nicely drafted poor men’s manifesto can not be executed by the mighty jurisdictions of elected political authorities (despite the enriched infrastructure, the well trained bureaucracy and the learned academics). Hence, establishment of such institution is the utmost need of the time to save and serve democracy properly.


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