The Majic beads

In ancient India the name of the rudraksh bead has been intertwined with myth, faith and folklore; its healing powers is said to be phenomenal. Over the years this belief had considerably died down until recent scientific studies reconfirmed its potency. Dr. Subhas Rai of renowned Indian Institute of Technology in Varanasi has published an ace paper on rudraksh based on meticulous research.

Dr. Rai has proved that the rudraksh has dominating electromagnetic, as well as paramagnetic together with inductive properties. This explains the healing capabilities of the bead. Wearing the beads leads to the creation of magnetic field across the entire body with the concentration being on the area around the heart. If the heart beat becomes either slow or fast the rudraksh provides the balance and controls it. It ensures an ideal level of blood circulation through the body.

David W. Lee of Florida International University (Department of Biological Sciences) has also researched on the rudraksh. He has focused on the biology of the fruit and particularly its remarkable colour. The ephemeral blue is because of its unique structure or “iridosome”. The epidermal cell, located on top the plasmalemma and below adaxial walls, secretes it. Within the iridosome the cellulosic layers interrupts the wave lengths of blue that cause the production of this intense blue colour at 439 nm. The colouring persists and becomes stronger even while the fruit ages. At the points where wave lengths are longer the cuticle is transparent permitting the occurrence of photosynthesis in the fleshy exocarp green tissue. This increases the tree’s carbon balance.

The intense polarity of the magnetic field that has been induced cause transmission of both inductive and electrical impulses; its polarity and intensity are conflicting. This allows for control of heart beat. Thus scientifically the benefits of the rudraksh have been proved.

In mythology as narrated in the Shiv Purana this rudraksh is the favourite of Lord Shiva. In botany it belongs to Tiliaceae or Lime family and is known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb. The leaves of the tree are broad. It grows along the Gangetic basin starting from the Himalayan foothills. It is perennial and reaches a height ranging from 50 to 200 feet. The stem is cylindrical and its bark is coarse and grayish white. The tree is pyramidal in shape. Although the dorsal side is fibrous and dull, its upper side is luminous green. The flowers are white.


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